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Exam Empowerment: Peak Performance Under Pressure

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Exam Empowerment
Peak Performance under Pressure


verb: give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

Exams can feel like something that is happening to us, making us feel like we have no power or control, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. You’re going to learn to take back control and sit the exams feeling focused and prepared. Ready to reach your full potential.


Step into exam season prepared and focused with “Exam Empowerment: Peak Performance Under Pressure.” Are you tired of working heard all year only to struggle with exam anxiety, despite putting in countless hours of preparation? As a seasoned secondary school teacher, Mary has witnessed this scenario far too often. Motivated to make a meaningful difference, she teamed up with Dr. Alison McFadden, a child and educational psychologist, to craft a solution.

Dive into five empowering modules meticulously designed to equip students with the tools they need to thrive during exam season. From understanding anxiety to mastering techniques for relaxing the body and mind, this course has it all. With over 1 hour and 25 minutes of easy-to-access video content, complemented by audios, a mindfulness journal, and a workbook, you will have a wealth of resources to keep you on track long after you finish the course.

Don’t let exam anxiety hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Enroll in “Exam Empowerment” today and unlock your true potential.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand exam anxiety
  • Develop effective strategies to manage anxious thoughts and behaviors
  • Boost study skills
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Identify and address physical manifestations of exam anxiety
  • Cultivate relaxation techniques to promote a calm and focused mindset
  • Enhance overall exam preparation and performance

Course Content

Exam Empowerment: Module 1
By understanding anxiety we can begin to take back control and overcome anxiety.

  • Understanding Exam Anxiety

Exam Empowerment: Module 2
Anxiety can leave us with racing thoughts and some very unhelpful thinking habits. This lesson explains why this happens and how we can interrupt and overcome these thoughts.

Exam Empowerment: Module 3
Anxiety has a huge effect on our behaviour, it can lead to avoidance and procrastination. This module addresses these behaviours so you can manage study, homework, examtime and sleep more efficiently.

Exam Empowerment: Module 4
Anxiety can result in many unpleasant physical sensations. Using a variety of evidence based strategies this module teaches you to use your body to de escalate anxiety and take back control.

Exam Empowerment: Module 5
This lesson compiles a variety of techniques to bring our body and mind into a state of total relaxation.

Audios & Workbooks
Exam Empowerment Workbook 21 Day Mindfulness Journal Mindfulness, breathwork, sleep relaxation and meditation audios

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